The roof was checked for alignment before a securing screw was fitted to both ends. To do this a 2.5mm hole at each end was drilled through the end panels and counter sunk.
With the roof loosely fitted, a pencil mark was made through the end panels to the roof section. A pilot hole of 1.6mm was then made through the marked roof section at both ends.
The chassis needed trimming on all four edges using a Dremmel cutting disc and sander. The corners were rounded to assist the final fit.
The stiffening bars and axle holders were fitted in place with the glue allowed to set.
Next I decided to add some weight whilst improving the appearance of the floor section with the addition of 'coffee stirrers'.
Two sizes of floor boarding were used culminating in the centre of the floor. Each strip was fixed with supa-glue.
Once the flooring was fixed, it was sanded smooth. Later in the build process it will be varnished.
Part 1
Part 1