Monday, 6 January 2025

The Works wagon

Found at a 'The Works' outlet, was this small desk tidy box or as I saw it, the beginnings of a rake of neat little wagons.

It just needs a chassis, made from pieces of 25mm x4 mm pine softwood.

  • 2 of 87mm with two corners cut to 45 degrees
  • 2 of 118mm x (1 piece cut in halve lengthways)

  • Wheel sets 24mm dia. (45mm)*
  • Axles incl. bearings (4)*
  • Roundhouse buffers (2)*
* Available from IP Engineering.

The axles were fitted to the two long pieces (10mm from each end) using M3 x 6mm pan-head self-tapping screws. A 3mm hole was drilled into the centre of each buffer beam for each buffer.

What could be simpler?