Saturday, 7 August 2021

Coal Merchant

With all this coal needed to fuel the engines, N.Slack & Son moved in to the sidings of Giffers' End Station to supply the needs of HLR. The suppliers of the wooden hut were Modeltown and the builders were a local firm from the town.

Humbrol acrylics were applied by Homestyal Decorating Services, finished with a matt coating of varnish.

The staging/platform for the building was designed and built using Foamex.

After drawing the contour of the track on a piece of paper, the shape was transposed to the Foamex board.

The brick walls were created using two pieces of 5mm board stuck together and etched with the outline of bricks. Same for the under platform sections.

The coping stones slightly wider than the 10mm walls.
All platform paint used was Reeves acrylic. The platform edge was left, unpainted.

All finished off with a matt coating of varnish.

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